Posters GRIVAS 2022 meeting

Name and last name Abstract title Abstract number Javiera Appel-Rubio Macrosomia: Early prediction model using machine learning 1 Javiera Appel-Rubio Preterm birth: Early prediction model using machine learning 2 Daniela Mennickent Prediction of gestational diabetes mellitus with machine learning techniques: a comparison between mid-infrared and medical data based-models 3 Belén…

Becas GRIVAS2022

Estimados todos, Es un gusto informarles que gracias a los aportes de nuestros auspiciantes, hemos podido entregar una beca de asistencia al GRIVAS2022 a cada uno de ustedes. Gracias por su participación a través de sus ponencias, hot-topic, mejor poster o posters en el GRIVAS2022. Seguramente, seran una tremenda instancia de interaccion cientifica,…

GRIVAS meeting fellowship award

We are pleased to inform you (see official list) that due to the scientific significance of your abstract, the Scientific Committee has decided to granted you with one of the fellowship awards. This include free registration, accommodation (2 night) hotel and meals during the event. However, this is not purely an…